Eclipse Fan from the series Spore Drift
Crags & dust from the series Spore Drift
Eclipse from the series Spore Drift
Apparition b from the series Spore Drift
Key from the series Spore Drift
Spaceship from the series Spore Drift
NewBurst from the series Spore Drift
Soft from the series Spore Drift
Two Openings from the series Spore Drift
Scratch Cap from the series Spore Drift
Shooting stars
Shooting Stars: Sean Albert
Shooting Stars: Benjamin Moore
Shooting Stars: Dante Marioni
In Shooting Stars, well-known NW glass artists generously donated their artwork, which was then shot with a 22 rifle. The moment of impact was captured with Harold Edgerton's sound triggered flash.
Shooting Stars: Gemini Constellation Harold
Rebecca Cummins (b. June 7) and Harold Cummins (b. June 7), Site: Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas, 2016-17.
Digital print, felt, falcon board
From the series Special Charges: People Doing Strange Things with Electricity, 2007
Digital prints on acrylic
Ea. 15x22in
Bill Beaty: Microwaved Bottle, 2007
Bill Beaty: Edison bulb with Argon/Nitrogen plasma discharge, 2007
Electric transparent artificial pickle experiment, sodium chloride - with Bill Beatty, 2007
Bill Beaty: Crookes' Tube, 2007
Jonathan Winter with Tesla Coil, American Museum of Radio and Electricity, Bellingham, WA, 2007
Broken Blossoms, 2008
Broken Blossoms (Ling Ling’s Lamps), 2008
Broken Blossoms: 2 Views of a Major Crash, 2008
Digital prints 36x22 in
In China, if an object breaks around their New Year, it is said, “Blossoms Broken, Fortunate Comes.” Completed while in residence at the Shenzhen Institute of Fine Art, 2008.
Broken Blossoms (Bowls), 2008
Couples in art, 2010-2011
SPORE DRIFT, 2020-22